Migraine Treatments
Quickly and effectively terminate migraines as soon as they begin with our treatment options below.
Migraines are debilitating headaches that tend to have other associated symptoms such as a strong aversion to sound or light, nausea or vomiting. Many, but not all people experience an aura (zig zags or dots in the vision) prior to the headache starting.
The exact cause is unknown, although it is thought to be due to a temporary increase in size of blood vessels within the brain. There can be a number of triggers for some people that include:
Alcohol, such as red wine
Tiredness / exhaustion
Generally most will last between 4 - 72 hours.
There are different ways of managing migraines:
1) Symptom control with pain medications such as paracetamol/aspirin/ibuprofen and/or anti-sicknesses medications.
2) Medications to stop the migraines as soon as they start - some of these are available to buy online after an online consultation, such as sumatriptan.
3) Lifestyle changes - keeping a diary to help identify triggers then avoiding these where possible.
4) Preventative treatment - taking a daily tablet to reduce episodes. For this therapy it is best to discuss with a GP to check it is appropriate. (Sumatriptan isn't used in this way.)
5) General tips for when a migraine occurs - keep hydrated, lie down in a cool dark room, apply something cold to the head, try drinking some caffiene.
Yes. It tends to be most effective when taken as soon as the first sign of a migraine starts. If you wait until your migraine is more severe, the medication may not help as much.
Some of the possible side effects from Sumatriptan or Imigran include:
Aching muscles
Allergic reaction - including rash, swelling, hives, wheezing.
Feeling hot or cold; flushing of the face
Nausea and vomiting (but this also may be related to the migraine)
Tingling, heaviness or tightness in your face, arms, legs or chest
Unpleasant taste
Please see the patient information leaflet for the full set of possible side effects.
No. This medication is only for people who have been told by their doctor that their headaches are migraines. If you are having new, painful headaches, it is best to speak to a medical professional for advice regarding the best treatment options for you.
1. If you are getting new, painful headaches that are not normal for you.
2. If you have a sudden onset, severe pain at the back of your head, like being hit in the head with a hammer (if this is the case, please attend A&E immediately as this could be a serious bleed in the brain).
3. If your migraines feel like they are changing e.g., in terms of where you feel them, what they feel like, how often they are occurring, etc.
4. If you have other symptoms that aren't normal for you. E.g. if you also have a fever or feel very unwell, this could be a sign of a more serious infection. Please seek urgent medical attention if this is the case. Signs of meningitis include fever, headache, vomiting, difficulty tolerating bright lights, neck stiffness and/or a rash that doesn't fade when you apply pressure. If you have these symptoms, please attend A&E immediately.
5. If you are having new headaches after a recent head injury.
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CheckUp Health is a brand operated by The Flame Lily Healthcare Limited CQC Accredited