October 29, 2021
A stye is an infection of the eyelid, where there is usually a small pus-filled spot on the eyelid. Styes usually get better on their own […]
October 14, 2021
High school nostalgia Did you ever have a secondary school teacher who, when asked how long you were meant to make an essay or homework project, […]
October 8, 2021
Have you ever heard the phrase ‘going sober for October’ and wondered what it was about exactly? Or have you toyed with the idea of going […]
October 4, 2021
Testosterone deficiency is more common among older men as it often comes with ageing. It may also occur at a younger age when certain factors affect […]
September 13, 2021
What is Plant Protein? First, the basics: plant protein is simply protein that has come from a plant (as opposed to an animal… or whatever’s in […]
September 9, 2021
While reading an article with this title may sound about as appealing as watching Batman vs Superman (there’s a reason it’s 29% on, I’m hoping […]
September 6, 2021
We all know September is Prostate Health Awareness Month, but what exactly is it that you are supposed to be aware of? To answer that, let […]
September 1, 2021
An acute stress reaction is known to occur after any unexpected crisis event in someone’s life, like the death of a loved one, surviving a serious […]
September 1, 2021
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a problem that many men feel too embarrassed to speak about with their GP. But it is very common, affecting most men […]
September 1, 2021
A phobia is a form of anxiety disorder which is due to a persistent or excessive fear of an object or situation. It is characterized by […]
September 1, 2021
What’s a Uterine Fibroid? While it may sound like some sort of menstruating robot (how nice would it be to have a robot that menstruated so […]
September 1, 2021
The short answer is: “Yes please!” If you find any new lumps or changes to old lumps in the breast, we ALWAYS want to hear about […]