How to get rid of Hiccups

What causes hiccups?
A hiccup is a natural body reflex which we cannot control. The diaphragm (which separates the lungs from the abdomen) contracts at the same time the top of windpipe closes to cause the hiccup.
It generally lasts for few minutes; however, it can persist for days if there are underlying medical illness.
Some of the common causes are
- Eating too fast or over-eating.
- Eating too hot or too cold food or drinks.
- Excessive smoking and alcohol.
- Emotional stress or excitement.
Rarer causes which cause persistent hiccups include
- Acid reflux, pneumonia, gall bladder infection, inflammation around the heart, tumours around chest or upper abdomen, very rarely strokes, or later stages of terminal illness.
How to treat hiccups?
Hiccups commonly self-resolve without needing any treatment.
There is no clear or definitive way of treating hiccups as there is no research evidence. However, you can try the following remedies.
- Sudden fright which can cause you to gasp.
- Swallowing sugar, tasting lemon or vinegar.
- Pulling the knees up to the chest in order to compress the abdomen and chest.
If it persists then speak your GP as you may need further investigations or prescribed treatment. There are medicines available for severe persistent cases.
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