Abdominal Bloating

Abdominal Bloating min

Human gut produces gas during the digestion process of food. This gas is collected in the stomach and intestines and leads to abdominal bloating. Some people are more sensitive to this gas and suffer from abdominal pain, heavy belching or fart excessively. The primary reasons for this condition can be mainly due to choices of diet that produce more gas, swallowing of air while chewing food, bowel diseases or lifestyle issues. The remedies are through making changes to the diet and consuming antacids and digestive aids after every meal.


Bowels or abdomen contain gas which is a result of the digestion process. Some of the air which enters the abdomen while chewing food or drinking is also present. Large amounts of air is swallowed (aerophagia) when one eats fast or hurriedly gulps down a drink, which makes its way into the gullet or the esophagus. Most of the air escapes when we belch or burp after a meal. The air that is unable to pass through belches results in bloating and causes a hard and swollen belly. The swallowed air along with the gases released from digestion of food passes through the anus in the form of passing wind or flatulence.

Foods like broccoli, baked beans and brussels sprouts are known to cause gas when eaten in above average quantities. This gas is mainly composed of carbon dioxide, hydrogen, methane and contains traces of sulphur- which gives a bad odour to the farts. Gases are also produced due to bacteria which reside in our gut and help in digestion of food. Abdominal bloating can be very uncomfortable when the stomach is blown out and is tight due to gas formation within. This can also cause cramps and pains in the abdomen.

Symptoms of Bloating

Excessive and repeated burping or farting is a sign of gas-related bloating of the abdomen. When the gas settles in the large intestine under the liver or spleen, it leads to cramps and pain. A bloated belly causes discomfort and usually subsides on its own in a few hours.

People suffering from ailments like irritable bowel syndrome or gluten intolerance produce more than average amounts of gas during the digestion process. Irritable bowel syndrome is a common condition where bouts of abdominal pain are linked to changes in bowel habit like constipation or diarrhea.


Foods that cause excessive wind in the abdomen are,

  • Broccoli & Brussels sprouts
  • Starchy foods such as potatoes, corn and noodles
  • Foods high in soluble fiber such as grains, peas, radish beans etc.
  • Dairy- if one is Lactose Intolerant where the body has difficulty in digesting lactose present in milk can cause diarrhea, tummy pains and bloating.
  • Food sugars- Foods high in fructose like dried fruit, honey, sucrose, onions and artichokes can cause bloating in people. Sorbitol is another form of sugar found in chewing gum and ‘sugar-free’ desserts that can cause gas and give rise to bloating.
  • Side effect of Medicines- Excessive gas or bloating can be side-effects of common medicines like metformin (for diabetes) and lactulose (laxative). Antacids like magnesium trisilicate should be taken along with medicines to aid digestion and reduce gas.
  • Bloating as a symptom of diseases- Few diseases of the bowel like acute gastroenteritis (tummy bug) is caused by infection of the stomach and results in increased gas formation and bloating of abdomen. Long term diseases like Coeliac disease (gluten intolerance), Inflammatory bowel diseases (Ulcerative colitis in large intestine, Crohn’s disease or inflamed gut) cause abdominal bloating frequently in the patients.

Other medical conditions that cause bloating are,

  • Diverticulitis- infection of large intestine
  • Short bowel syndrome- a complication of bowel surgery
  • Bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine which occurs as an after effect of abdomen surgery, diabetes or diverticulosis. It can be treated with a course of antibiotics like metronidazole
  • Scleroderma or thickening of the internal organs and stomach lining which leads to bloating, constipation and diarrhea.
  • Ovarian cancer can lead to abdominal pains, bloating and loss of appetite.
  • Giardiasis is diarrheal disease caused by parasites known as Giardia. A classic symptom of this infection is belching up foul-smelling gas.

Laboratory Tests

Most people with occasional abdominal bloating symptoms do not need any tests. However, if the pain is unbearable and symptoms mentioned below are re-occurring in nature then it is advised to consult your doctor. Serious symptoms like,

  • Persistent diarrhoea with blood in the stools (faeces)
  • High body temperature (fever)
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Difficulty in swallowing (dysphagia)
  • Weight loss and loss of appetite.

The medical tests may include,

  • A stool sample to check for traces of infection, blood and high levels of fat (which casues poor digestion)
  • A test for lactose tolerance
  • X-rays of your abdomen
  • Endoscopy of your stomach using a tiny camera
  • A blood test for coeliac disease and any other disease

Tips to reduce bloating

One can try the tips mentioned below to ease the condition of excessive flatulence and constant bloating.

Dietary changes:

  • Foods that cause bloating should be avoided at all costs. Even though allergy to foods can vary from one person to another, foods like milk and dairy products, certain fruits and vegetables, whole grains, artificial sweeteners and fizzy drinks are known to cause bloating.
  • People who are lactose-intolerant should avoid milk and those who are gluten intolerant should avoid wheat grains and starches.
  • Probiotics or live microorganisms are helpful aids to digestion and should be included in regular diet. They are gut-friendly bacteria- lactobacilli or bifidobacteria which reduces bloating.
  • Fibre rich food like linseed and oats should be included in the diet which helps avoid constipation and reduce bloating.

Regular physical exercise:

Daily physical exercise is very helpful to improve digestion and avoid bloating. Walking and jogging are good as routine physical exercises.


Over the counter drugs like Simeticone are said to reduce bloating. This is usually combined with a mild antacid to ease the symptoms. Charcoal preparations are also helpful to absorb the gas and treat bloating. This is good for people suffering from occasional bouts of bloating. Eating peppermint or aniseed after meals aids in digestion.

Over the counter medication like mebeverine an alverine are helpful to ease the spasm and distention of the abdomen during bloating. Bismuth subsalicylate is another good medicine to reduce the smell of gas passed through the anus.

Chronic diseases like Irritable bowel syndrome needs to be treated only under supervision of a doctor.

Psychological therapies

Often when medication and lifestyle changes do not help, it is advised to consult a psychologist to undergo psychological therapies. Therapies like mindful awareness and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) are helpful for people cannot control their diet and fail to exercise and are suffering abdominal bloating. Consuming excessive air while eating can be resolved by a speech therapist.

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